33rd CBHM Race, June 1st 2025
Date: Sunday, June 2, 2024 Race Start Time: 8:15 a.m.
Race Parking 5:30-6:45 a.m.
There is construction on Route 4/Quechee Gorge Bridge. This will greatly affect TRAFFIC FLOW for our race.
NEW Race Parking Map
RUNNER PARKING is NOW located in the Dewey Polo Field off Dewey Mills RD.
Runners will now PARK in the SAME LOT as Spectators.
Take Route 4 to Dewey Mills Road and follow down to the Parking Area.
Registration Info
- Race Time Limit-We have set the 3-hour time limit in order to be respectful to our volunteers and our race communities. If you are slower than that pace, be aware that there may or may not be traffic control, there may or may not be volunteers to direct you along the course and the water stops may or may not still be set up. We’ll provide official times for all finishers through 3:00 hours gun time. Be smart, be safe, race your own pace.
- Registration/Race Bib is non-transferable.
- Fees are non-refundable, regardless of injury, lack of adequate training, an irreconcilable schedule conflict, or any other reason, no matter how valid. It cannot be moved to a future year.
Runner Parking Information
Dewey Mills RD, Quechee VT
First Bus Leaves At 5:45 a.m.
Report to parking lot no later than 6:30 a.m.
You MUST be parked by 6:45 a.m.
Last Bus Leaves at 7:00 a.m.
Don’t Wait for the LAST BUS-It Will Be FULL
RUNNERS Only on Buses!
You must be PARKED in the Runner Parking lot before 6:45 a.m. in order to catch the LAST BUS to the Start Area.
Map to runner parking: PARKING MAP Look for our signs and volunteers to direct you to the parking area.
Late comers may be parked in satellite lots, parking volunteers will let you know if the main lot is full and will direct you to these satellite lots.
CBHM Times to Know
Printable Race Weekend Info Sheet
Vehicle Info: New Runner Parking!
NEW Parking Map
Runner Parking and Start Drop Off
Course Info:
Check-in and Bib Pick-up
Detailed Course Info.
Drop Bags
Hydration Stations
Race Course Map
UVRC Pacers
Other Links:
Woodstock Chamber Pasta Supper
Emergency Protocols
Medical Protocols
2022 Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies

Bring A Water Bottle
*If you CANNOT run with us, please email RD Mike, so we don’t purchase too much food and water, creating a lot of waste.
Info Tent Saturday-Race Information & Course Maps
Mike and Nancy will be in front of the Norman Williams Public Library OR on the Woodstock Inn and Resort Lawn in Woodstock by the green (look for the tent) to answer any questions you may have Saturday 1-5 p.m..
Stop by and say HI!!
Look for the CBHM banners outside. Some of the UVRC Pacers plan to be on hand too to answer questions.
Race Bibs are NOT handed out at the information tent-ONLY at the Race Start at Sasakadena Six Ski Area Sunday morning beginning at 6 a.m.
Personal Vehicle Drop off at the Start
Drop offs at the Start Saskadena Six Ski Area 6:00-7:15 a.m.

You can be dropped off at Saskadena Six Ski Area in Pomfret but NO LATER THAN 7:15 a.m.
Please say your goodbyes, good lucks before entering the Start Area.
Map to Saskadena Six: https://goo.gl/maps/eSxA7osz8RpWF3kw8
Bib Pick Up on Sunday opens at 6:00-8:00 a.m. at Saskadena Six Ski Area in Pomfret VT.
Once off the bus or out of the car, head to the BIB PICK UP TENT
6:00-8:00 a.m. Please bring your ID (or a photo of it stored on your phone)
(You will also need your ID for the Beer Tent at the finish line!)
Bib Pick Up on Sunday opens at 6 a.m.
When you get off the bus you’ll see a BIG white tent-pick up your bibs there.
(Bibs are NOT given out on Saturday at the Info tent in downtown Woodstock-ONLY on Sunday morning before the race.)
Your Bibs are Chipped
The chip is attached to the back of your bib.
Racers cross Timing Mats at the Start and Finish to give you both an official “Gun” time as well as the unofficial “Net” time from when you cross the start mats.
You, and your chip, must pass over both mat systems (start and finish) in order to receive your “Net” time. If your start time is not recorded, you will only receive your “Gun time”.
The official order of finish for the first three male and female finishers will be based on “Gun” time.
For all but these 6 finishers, we will use “Net” times for official order of finish.
For the chip to work, it must be pinned on your outermost layer of clothing on your front and NOT folded or wrinkled.
Drop Bags drop off 6:00-7:45 a.m.
6:00-7:45 a.m
Your Drop Bag will be transported from the Start area back to the Finish area just before the start of the race. You must have your CLEARLY LABELED DROP BAG to the truck BEFORE 7:45 a.m..
Label them with your LAST NAME and First Name-volunteers will sort them at the finish line for you. The more unique your bag, the easier it will be to locate it Sunday afternoon. In case of bad weather, you’ll want to make sure the bag is waterproof.
What to put in your DROP BAG: pre-race layers, a change of clothing, personal items (wallet, phone, car keys, sun block) CBHM is not responsible for lost or stolen bags or items.
Food, Water, Port-o-lets
We’ll have food (bananas and bagels) and water tables at the start. Grab a little something to get you going, be sure to hydrate.
Then get in line for the port-o-lets. Please be patient and listen for the volunteers to keep the lines moving.
Meet Your Pacer
The Upper Valley Running Club has volunteer PACERS to help you keep a steady pace along the course. They will hold up Pace Time signs for you to locate the best place to start.
You can meet your pacer at the Info Tent on Saturday and at the Race Start on Sunday beginning around 6 a.m.-look for their signs near the Race Start.
Port-o-Lets at the Start-just to repeat…
2000 runners need to GO before they GO…what does that look like-LONG LINES.
Plan ahead.
Jog Strollers
If you are running with a jog stroller, you MUST line up at the START behind ALL other runners.
You may NOT PASS runners until Mile 5 (Billings Farm) these rules are for the safety of all our runners.
Race Gun Time 8:15 a.m.
FINISH LINE~ Dewey Field in Quechee Vermont
Medals, T-shirts, Awards, Ice Cream, Harpoon Beer, Live Band, Food Tent and Lots of Fun.
(or Hats)
and Medals
handed out by
The Hartland Boy Scouts
Harpoon Beer
in our Beer Tent
Runners-with your bib pull tab a FREE beer
OR ice cream)Thanks to Nick and the Good Folks at
Quechee Pizza Chef
for running our Beer Tent.
Must be 21 to Enter
(we check IDs)
Runners-with your bib pull tab-a FREE ice cream
OR beer)
Volunteers Get A Free Ice Cream Cone
(while supplies last)
Lazy Cow VT
Ice Cream and Shakes
AWARDS CEREMONY about 11 a.m.
Top Three Men and Women
Prizes for Age Groups Top Three:
Mug –Shackelton / Thomas
Maple Syrup – Top Acres Farm South Woodstock
Cheese –Sugarbush Farm
Return to Runner Parking Lot for your car
Please use the FREE Buses Back to Quechee Village Lot-Runners can board buses to be transported up the hill from the Finish Line to where you parked your car pre-race.
Note: TAKE THE BUSES-This is the SAFEST WAY to get back to your car!
Thank You Butler Bus Service for the use of your buses and your wonderful bus drivers.
(Alternatively, you could walk up Dewey Mills Road to Fowler Lane to the Runner Parking Lot [about a 7/10 of a mile walk up hill!]-THE FREE BUS is the safer way to get to the Runner Lot.)
Please see the maps above.