5 weeks until Race Day-how’s your training going?
April Showers Bring Mayflowers. Like the Trout Lily.Happy First Sunday in May!
You know what that means.
The first Sunday in June is just 5, yup 5, short weeks away.
And the first Sunday in June means C. B. H. M.!
This issue is about your training schedule-How’s it going?
So far we’ve covered how to set up a training schedule; how to fuel your run with real food; how to properly hydrate before and during your run; and how to prevent injuries by stretching and taking a yoga for runners class; and how get the right sneaker for your run.
Today we’re talking training.
According to Jim Burnett (Ask Jim- https://cbhm.com/ask-jim/)
The road to running fitness is not a straight line: You don’t run straight up the training pyramid to get to the top. No, like a climber acclimating to climb Mt. Everest, you establish a base camp and you climb up a little, then climb down and rest, then climb up a little higher, until you are ready to take one last break and then go for the summit.
“Periodization” is the fancy name for this training technique.
A rule of thumb is that it takes your body about three weeks to adapt to applied stress (quality workouts). This adaptation by your body is also called “training effect”. Picture the elevation profile of an ascent up a mountain (your training pyramid).
In this case it’s a 12-week climb. Within each week you schedule 2 quality workouts (intervals, hilly runs, longer runs with “tempos”) surrounded by easy runs and rest days.
Within each one-month block, you increase your weekly mileage gradually for three weeks, then you back off for a week. The 3 one-month blocks (12 weeks in all) follow a similar pattern with the exception of the last week of the third block, in which you taper back your efforts and prepare for the big day.
Hopefully, you have been following a 12-week training program, like the one Jim has on our website.
Monday – easy run, Tuesday – easy run or cross train (bike, hike, walk), swim, Wednesday – intervals on the road or track or do a hilly run, Thursday – rest day, Friday – easy run, Saturday – easy run or cross train, Sunday longer run.
Same as week one except your total mileage for the week should increase by 10-15%. You can switch up a rest day with an easy run day, just be sure you leave at least three non-quality workout days between your two quality days.
Same idea. Up your weekly miles by 10-15% and follow the same pattern of quality days followed by easier days.
Same schedule except run comfortably during your quality workouts (no huffing and puffing) and decrease your weekly mileage from week 3 by 20%. Be patient and let your body take a break during week 4.
Follow same weekly pattern as weeks 1 – 4, increase weekly mileage by 10-15% and cut back on quality workout effort and on weekly mileage from week 7 by 20%.
WEEK 9-12
Follow same weekly pattern for the third 4-week block except week 12 is “taper week”.
Taper Week
Monday and Tuesday – easy run < 6 miles followed by 4 – 8 x 50-100 meter “strides” (accelerations to a little faster than race pace)
Jim answers your questions about race training.
Got a question? Email Jim! at: [email protected]
T-shirts are in the Mail
Hopefully you’ve received your t-shirt. Our shipping crew will send you an email when it ships and you will get confirmation when it’s delivered. We are using USPS so it will come in your regular mail.
Don’t forget to bring along your family and friends on your adventure.
Challenge and support each other. Make this year’s race about having fun with family and friends.
It’s time to reconnect with other runners.
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