A Few Stats on Our 30th Race
Top Ten States Massachusetts 375 New Hampshire 198 New York 162 Vermont 150 Connecticut 59 New Jersey 34 Maine 30 Texas 25 Colorado 23 North Carolina 23
Top Ten States Massachusetts 375 New Hampshire 198 New York 162 Vermont 150 Connecticut 59 New Jersey 34 Maine 30 Texas 25 Colorado 23 North Carolina 23
2020 CBHM Deferred Runners: We are closely monitoring the State of Vermont COVID-19 Travel Policies and will keep you updated as our race approaches in the new year. We plan to have an in-person Covered Bridges Half Marathon, June 6th.However, we will move our race sign up to the Spring of 2021, rather than in […]
CBHM Runners The first Sunday in June is always such a special day for us. The excitement starting as the timer sets up, the water truck putting out the water along the course, and the volunteers getting ready to greet you. Many times there is a slight fog lifting at the start line as the […]
CBHM 2020-From Our Race DirectorsAt this time, the Covered Bridges Half Marathon remains scheduled to run on Sunday, June 7. Like everyone around the country, CBHM, Inc. is monitoring in real time the rapidly evolving impacts of coronavirus.One of the primary considerations that will drive the decision about whether the race goes forward in June […]
Hey runners, Check Your Race Contact Info! Please make sure the person you listed (and their phone number) isn’t running our race so we can easily reach them in case of an emergency. https://runsignup.com/Race/RegistrationLookup/?raceId=52472 Send any changes to Mike.J.Silverman@gmail.comWe want you to be safe during our race.
Early registration for Covered Bridges Half Marathon 2020 with our Non-Profit Partners opens on November 18 at 7 a.m.! https://cbhm.com/non-profit-partners/ If you commit to raise a minimum of $500 for one of our Non-Profit Partners, you can register early for our race. Avoid the registration rush, raise money for a great group and feel good […]
Mark Your Calendars! Set Your Alarms! CBHM 2019 Race Registration Opens Monday, Dec. 3 at 7 pm ET AND The CBHM Website has a NEW Look!